Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Final Parting Brief Thoughts

I believe that South Africa has left me with many more questions than answers.

How can a country (city) so developed still contain so much poverty? It is hard sometimes to look at a hungry child and not feel helpless.
Is that what the rest of Africa aspires to be?
What is Fair Trade looking to ultimately accomplish? Only subsistence, or full-scale economic overhaul?
Why is South Africa considered by many to not really be the "true Africa"?
How do Black Americans relate to Africans? How do Africans relate to Black Americans?
And lastly, when can I make it back to Africa!?!?! I got a taste, but it wasn't enough.

I would like to write more, but I think I will wait for proper inspiration as opposed to trying to force something out now. Meanwhile, magnificent road trip:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Birthday - South African Style

My colleagues sang "Happy Birthday" in Afrikaans and Zulu to our professor's daughter.

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'd rather be writing about seeing the new Harry Potter...

However, unfortunately I won't see it until the 27th, because that is the day after I get back from South Africa.

Which is still great, and I want to add to my ongoing list of Things I Love About South Africa:
The way that they don't say "Is that right?" when confirming a fact. Instead, South Africans say "Is It?" with high upspeak on the "it".
Also, I love listening to Xkosa, one of the "click" languages. AND I love how South Africans roll their "r's". It's very unique.

Ok, so, like I said, I'd rather be writing about Harry Potter, however, there is a story I need to tell.

There is a man in my class, I'll call him Jakob. He is well over 6 feet tall, dark dark lovely skin, like the deepest velvet chocolate. He is from South Sudan, about 35 years old, and is a quiet man, who never hesitates to speak when he has a point to make. I've been wanting to ask him for a picture, just for the contrasting effect of a short white American girl juxtaposed against this tall, serene, Sudanese man.

Jakob sits in class, usually located on the left side of the room, and (mostly) pays attention. Sometimes I glance over and he is responding to an email, or something like that. (I'm not saying that I don't do the same thing, mind you, and I probably surf the Internet much more than many of my classmates.)

Being a Christian school, in the morning, the class does a devotional. They will sing a song of praise and then say some inspirational religious quotes from the Bible or w/e. Jakob bows his head during prayer and sits perfectly still with his hands clasped.

When we all eat dinner, usually together in one room, Jakob eats quietly, usually nearby his fellow Sudanese friend "Adam". He never eats a ton of food, even though his body is big enough to welcome it. He just sort of takes his time, and never rushes to finish his food.

I don't know a lot about Jakob. I don't know if he is married. I don't know if he has kids. I don't know if he has siblings or nephews or nieces or what his undergraduate degree was in or very much at all about him, really.

I do know that his parents were killed when he was 8, and he was then taken as a child soldier to fight and train in Cuba, Ethiopia, and Kenya. When he was 16, he found himself in Kenya, and ended up going to school and getting his degree.

Right now Jakob works at UNICEF (the United Nations Children's Emergency Fund) in South Sudan, and is helping to prevent children being taken as soldiers. Like he was, at such an early age.

As much fun as I am having in South Africa, when I heard this story yesterday, it just snapped me back to reality. It reminded me of why I am here. It's because children should NEVER have to be taken from their families and made to fight in horrible wars. It's because people should be paid a fair wage, and appreciated for the work they do. It's because women should never be victims of rape by warmongers. It's because people have rights, and those rights should be upheld. I feel fortunate that I get the opportunity to be in the program that I am, gaining my graduate degree in the hopes that somehow I can be a part of the struggle for justice, in whatever capacity I am able.

Jakob made me think about faith, about how I can't even imagine what psychological damage must have been done to him from his experiences, but also how it made him such a strong person. I do not want to change my religion, I think that my faith is mostly in humanity... but I don't know...I just think that some people would not survive without their faith in religion, or something. Maybe we just form rituals around and give different names to something that we all believe in.

I'm still figuring it out.

(Photo credit: David Cram)

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Today we've had our first real day that feels like summer! I even went swimming in the pool!

I've just come back from Somerset West Mall (to buy souvenirs :D) with some classmates. When I say I "just came back" I mean it was a bit of an adventure. Our driver abandoned us and we couldn't take a taxi because it would have cost upwards of R150, which is over $20 to go about 4 miles. Ridiculous! So with some strange twist of fate a few other classmates of ours who had already arranged transportation. So that was my excitement for the day. James, who is from Sudan, was laughing at us because he said Gen (a French Canadian) and I came all the way to Africa to go to the mall. He says we need to visit rural Africa. Someday...

On the bright side, I got most of my shopping done, I think we are going to plan another trip to Stellenbosch (a town not too far away) later this week. We had quite the outing the other day, we went to Cape Point (the southern tip of the Cape of Good Hope), Cape Town's Waterfront, Table Mountain, and a Nature Reserve. It looks like that might be our last feasible outing because they've had to rearrange our schedule, so we don't have very many more free days.

Our professor for our Concepts of Community Development class was deported back to America. She's Romanian, but was waiting for her US passport to come in the mail, it didn't and when she got to S.A. all her paperwork was filled out with her US passport information. So S. African customs decided to teach the airlines a lesson for letting her on in the first place, and they deported her back to the U.S.

So apparently we are going to combine our last two classes, and our one professor will be teaching us from Skype for two hours each day. We'll see how this turns out...

I really hope to go to a game park before I leave! The way it looks, this might happen on Thanksgiving, haha...Maybe we'll catch an ostrich and cook it in place of a turkey-lurkey.

Things I love about S. Africa so far:
The people are all incredibly friendly
The juice (it is all fresh and delish)
Africans are never in a hurry
The views of the mountains and the ocean
The diversity of my campus, on any given day I hear gospel, Latino, and Afrikaans music
Cape Fruit Yogurt
The breeze that rattles the palm trees

Ta ta for now!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

ZA ZA South Africa

At this moment, I am sitting in my dorm, having just woken up, and listening to some girls in the hall laughing and speaking Afrikaans. The language is completely unintelligible to me, as its origins lie in both Dutch (from South Africa's former colonists) and indigenous African tongues.

I have so far attended two days of my Development Anthropology class. In this session, there are about 40+ students. I am one of three students that originated in North America, and one of those is French Canadian. My roommate is American, but she has spent the last several years as a hospital chaplain in Ethiopia. Other students hail from such far flung places as Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Bolivia, Australia, Ukraine, and, ah! yes, Africa. There are a few students from South Africa (which I have been told a few times is not ACTUALLY Africa, I would have to go to a less modernized country to experience the "real" Africa), but many students also come from the Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Rwanda, etc...I love listening to all of the different accents, it is like a fluid mosaic, always changing, never staying static.

It is a real humbling experience to be the only person in this session who has spent most of her life in America. I feel guilty, almost inherently, to have been raised in a moderately privileged environment, with two parents, not really wanting for anything. At the same time, I smile to myself when I hear the student from Zimbabwe remark on how much she misses watching television at her house.

Everyone knows that I am the "resident anthropologist" in the group, and they continuously ask me what I think of our class, and if it is all review to me. I answer yes, but that I am not at all looking forward to our Statistics class as the end of the session, where I will be an expert by nobody's standards.

This past Saturday, we took a mini-trip to the beach, which was sunny, windy, and beautiful. There were plenty of daring kite-surfers, as well as youthful socc-um-FOOTBALL players. I am excited to take pictures of my campus as well, which is just unreal. This coming Thursday we will be taking a scenic drive around Cape Point, to which I am looking forward.

Until then, school school school! Anyone have any ideas for an ethnography that I could do in the Detroit area? :]


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

South Africa One

Tomorrow I will be leaving for Cape Town, South Africa. I am excited and anxious because this is the first place I have been where I know virtually nothing, and nobody. All I know about are vuvuzelas. There, I readily admitted my ignorance. I will be staying in a town called Somerset West, in the Helderberg region. According to the Wiki, Helderberg used to be called "Hottentots-Holland", but was renamed due to supposed racist connotations. I think I prefer Hottentots-Holland to Helderberg because it sounds more fun, but I don't want to be labeled a racist, so there you go.

This trip will mark my second session out of the required four for my Master's program in International Development. So I guess if you add in all of my requirements I am about 3/8ths (or some other made-up number) done with my program. I will be taking three classes, Development Anthropology, Concepts of International Development (a Sociology course), and Statistics and Research (not overjoyed).

My plane leaves tomorrow at 7pm, I change planes in Amsterdam and land in Cape Town around 11pm local time on Thursday night. A quick jaunt to my dorm room, some sleep, and then up bright and early for class on Friday morning.

I hope to update this blog throughout my stay in ZA. Keep following for interesting baboon-attack stories!

Oh, P.S. this is the link to the college I will be staying at: http://www.hbc.ac.za . Vineyards and oceans and mountains here I come!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Post - Travel Quotes

I've decided to start a travel blog, due to forthcoming copious amounts of wanderings. Right now I am in beautiful-yet-isolated Berrien Springs, Michigan finishing up my first session of grad school.

To kick this bloghito off right, quotes:

I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read in the train.
Oscar Wilde

When I was a child, adults would tell me not to make things up, warning me of what would happen if I did. As far as I can tell so far, it seems to involve lots of foreign travel and not having to get up too early in the morning.
Neil Gaiman

Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes and forgotten.
Neil Gaiman

The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.
J.R.R. Tolkien

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